Total Innovation Field Trials: 85


Trial Owner: Trish Meyers,, 306-649-5126
Agro Centre: Xtreme Innovation Trial, Saskatoon
Crop: Wheat
Treatment: Testing inoculant growth promotor for wheat. Crop: Jatharia wheat. Pre-seed application of Olympus and Vector.
Seeding Date: N/A
Previous Crop: Wheat
Seeding Rate: 2.25 bu/ac
Equipment: SeedHawk drill
Row Spacing: 12""
Notes: Urea: 46-0-0.
Yield: To be determined at harvest

Bulk seed

Trial Owner: Amy Bell ,, 204.773.6399
Agro Centre: Twin Valley Co-op, Birtle
Crop: Wheat
Treatment: Tisdale; Goodwin; Viewfield; Landmark; Redberry; Rowyn
Seeding Date: N/A
Previous Crop: Not yet available
Seeding Rate: Not yet available
Equipment: Not yet available
Row Spacing: Not yet available
Notes: All varieties stood well as Manipulator was sprayed over top
Yield: Yeilds are the average of both reps. Tisdale 75.4 bu/ac. Goodwin 75.1 bu/ac. Landmark 70.8 bu/ac. Viewfield 76.2 bu/ac. Redberry 74.6 bu/ac. Rowyn 76.5 bu/ac.

Bulk seed

Trial Owner: Joelle Zacharias,, 204.792.6962
Agro Centre: Marquette Co-op, Marquette
Crop: Soybean
Treatment: Optimize, Cell-tech liquid, Nodulator Pro, Quick Roots all tested on DKB005-52
Seeding Date: N/A
Previous Crop: Wheat
Seeding Rate: 1.4 u/ac
Equipment: Not yet available
Row Spacing: Not yet available
Notes: Details to come soon
Yield: To be determined at harvest

Bulk seed

Trial Owner: Adam Sheppard,, 306-796-7017
Agro Centre: Palliser Plains Co-op, Tugaske
Crop: Durum
Treatment: N/A
Seeding Date: N/A
Previous Crop: Not yet available
Seeding Rate: 110 lbs/ac
Equipment: Not yet available
Row Spacing: Not yet available
Notes: Details to come soon
Yield: To be determined at harvest

Canola Performance

Trial Owner: Dave Creek,, (403) 757-2054
Agro Centre: South Country Co-op, Barons
Crop: Canola
Treatment: L233P, L234PC, L255PC
Seeding Date: N/A
Previous Crop: Wheat
Seeding Rate: 5 lbs/ac
Equipment: Flexicoil 5000
Row Spacing: 9 inch
Notes: Low spot in Field affected yield of L233P
Yield: L233P 8 bu/ac; L234PC 12.91 bu/ac; L255PC 11.54 bu/ac; L233P 13.53 bu/ac; L234PC 10.9 bu/ac; L255PC 13.07 bu/ac

Canola performance

Trial Owner: Dave Creek,, (403) 757-2054
Agro Centre: South Country Co-op, Barons
Crop: Canola
Treatment: BY 6090; Dekalb 7565; CS2300; D3156M; CPS;CPS; CPS
Seeding Date: N/A
Previous Crop: Wheat
Seeding Rate: 5 lbs/ac
Equipment: Bourgalt 3320
Row Spacing: 9.8 inch
Notes: 1. We had less than 3 inches of rain during the growing season 2. This field was had Reglone applied in early September. And overall held up very well. 3. Yields come from combine monitor.
Yield: BY 6090 � range 13-44 bu/ac; Dekalb 7565 - range 13-43 bu/ac; CS2300 range 9-57 bu/ac; D3156M range 10-43 bu/ac

Canola performance

Trial Owner: Trevor Lightbown,, 403-863-0873
Agro Centre: South Country Co-op, Claresholm
Crop: Canola
Treatment: Pod integrity study: D 3156 -Helix Vibrance; Nexera 1026 - Visivio + Lumiderm; Dekalb 75-65 - Helix + Fortenza; CS 2100 - Visivio + Fortenza ; CS 2400 (possibly) - Visivio + Fortenza. Trial also contains: 45CM36 - Lumiderm; 45M35 - Lumiderm; 45M35 - Helix
Seeding Date: N/A
Previous Crop: Winter Wheat
Seeding Rate: 5lbs/ac
Equipment: Selford Double Disk
Row Spacing: 7.5 inch
Notes: Field was pre burned with glyphosate
Yield: D 3156 - 15.25 bu/ac; 75-65 - 15.31 bu/ac; CS 2100 - 14.92 bu/ac; CS 2400 - 13.77 bu/ac; Nex 1026 - 11.67 bu/ac

Canola performance

Trial Owner: Joyce Barlage,, 306-367-4299
Agro Centre: Lake Lenore Co-op, Middle lake
Crop: Canola
Treatment: JS vs Quickroots/JS
Seeding Date: N/A
Previous Crop: Barley
Seeding Rate: 5lbs
Equipment: Hoedrill Bourgault 40�
Row Spacing: 10�
Notes: N/A
Yield: N/A

Canola performance

Trial Owner: Joyce Barlage,, 306-367-4299
Agro Centre: Lake Lenore Co-op, Middle lake
Crop: Canola
Treatment: L255PC VS L233P
Seeding Date: N/A
Previous Crop: Barley
Seeding Rate: 5lbs
Equipment: 3310 Bourgault
Row Spacing: 10�
Notes: Details to come soon
Yield: To be determined at harvest

Canola performance

Trial Owner: Jeff Henry,, (306) 874-7868
Agro Centre: Prairie North Co-op, Naicam
Crop: BrettYoung BCT
Treatment: 6074, 45CS40, 6090, 75-65, and 4187
Seeding Date: N/A
Previous Crop: Perrenial Ryegrass
Seeding Rate: 5lbs
Equipment: Bourgault 5710
Row Spacing: 10""
Notes: Details to come soon
Yield: To be determined at harvest

Canola performance

Trial Owner: Jeff Henry,, (306) 874-7868
Agro Centre: Prairie North Co-op, Naicam
Treatment: 45H37, EXP, 75-42, 75-45, 74-44, 75-65, and 75-65 Jumpstart
Seeding Date: N/A
Previous Crop: Flax
Seeding Rate: 5lbs
Equipment: Bourgault 5710
Row Spacing: 10""
Notes: Details to come soon
Yield: To be determined at harvest

Canola performance

Trial Owner: Daniel Aarsen,, (780) 674-2820
Agro Centre: Neerlandia Co-op, Neerlandia
Crop: Canola
Treatment: Varieties included: DKL 75-42, BrettYoung 6076 CR, Pioneer 45H33, and Pioneer 45CS40
Seeding Date: N/A
Previous Crop: Wheat
Seeding Rate: 4.5 lbs/ac
Equipment: John Deere Airdrill
Row Spacing: 12 inch
Notes: Fertilizer actuals: 90-25-15-20, preseed burnoff: Conquor at 0.33L/ac, Glyphosate in crop at 0.33L/ac
Yield: To be determined at harvest

Canola performance

Trial Owner: Nathan Rafuse,, 306-445-7732
Agro Centre: Discovery Co-op, North Battleford
Crop: Canola
Treatment: BrettYoung 6074, BrettYoung 6090, BrettYoung 4187, Dekalb 75-42, Dekalb 75-45, D-series 3155C, Nexera 1024, and Nexera 1026
Seeding Date: N/A
Previous Crop: wheat
Seeding Rate: 4.5 lbs
Equipment: Seedmaster
Row Spacing: 12
Notes: Glyphosate Preburn
Yield: Brevant 1026 45.43bu/ac; Brevant 1024 - 45.50 bu/ac; D-Series 3155C 46.59 bu/ac; Dekalb 75-45 - 44.76 bu/ac; Dekalb 75-42CR 44.02 bu/ac; Brett Young 4187- 42.31 bu/ac; Brett Young 6090 - 45.48 bu/ac; Brett Young 6074 - 48.79 bu/ac.

Canola performance

Trial Owner: Matt Reimer,, (204) 836-2109
Agro Centre: Pembina Co-op, Swan lake
Crop: Canola
Treatment: BY 6090; BY 6074; L233;
Seeding Date: N/A
Previous Crop: Not yet available
Seeding Rate: Not yet available
Equipment: Not yet available
Row Spacing: Not yet available
Notes: N/A
Yield: L233P 64.8 BU/AC; BY6090 57.8 BU/AC; BY6074 69.6 BU/AC

Canola performance

Trial Owner: Matt Reimer,, (204) 836-2109
Agro Centre: Pembina Co-op, Swan lake
Crop: Canola
Treatment: BY 6090; BY 6074; L233;
Seeding Date: N/A
Previous Crop: Not yet available
Seeding Rate: Not yet available
Equipment: Not yet available
Row Spacing: Not yet available
Notes: Replicated three times
Yield: BY 6090 53 BU/AC; BY6074 53 BU/AC; Invigor 233P 49.5 BU/AC

Canola performance

Trial Owner: Andrea Lowenberger,, 306-560-8668
Agro Centre: Wynyard Co-op, Wynyard
Crop: Canola
Treatment: Comparison of Roundup Ready and Liberty Link hybrids
Seeding Date: N/A
Previous Crop: Not yet available
Seeding Rate: Not yet available
Equipment: Not yet available
Row Spacing: Not yet available
Notes: Details to come soon
Yield: To be determined at harvest

Canola performance

Trial Owner: Andrea Lowenberger,, 306-560-8668
Agro Centre: Wynyard Co-op, Wynyard
Crop: Canola
Treatment: Straight cut DEKALB trial - 75-42 and 75-65
Seeding Date: N/A
Previous Crop: Not yet available
Seeding Rate: Not yet available
Equipment: Not yet available
Row Spacing: Not yet available
Notes: Details to come soon
Yield: To be determined at harvest


Trial Owner: Joyce Barlage,, 306-367-4299
Agro Centre: Lake Lenore Co-op, Middle lake
Crop: Canola
Treatment: Command Glyphosate VS Bromoxynil Glyphosate (grower trial)
Seeding Date: N/A
Previous Crop: Flax
Seeding Rate: 5lbs
Equipment: Bourgault �66�
Row Spacing: 10�
Notes: Details to come soon
Yield: To be determined at harvest

Corn performance

Trial Owner: Daniel Aarsen,, (780) 674-2820
Agro Centre: Neerlandia Co-op, Neerlandia
Crop: Corn Silage
Treatment: Varieties include: DKL 23-21, DKL 26-25 RR, BrettYoung Fusion, Pickseed 2320, Pioneer Varities
Seeding Date: N/A
Previous Crop: Canola
Seeding Rate: 2.5 ac/bag
Equipment: Not yet available
Row Spacing: 30 inch
Notes: First pass glyphosate at 0.33L/ac and Armezon, Second Pass at 0.5L/ac
Yield: To be determined at harvest

Corn performance

Trial Owner: Curtis Tielmann,, 204-735-2382
Agro Centre: Marquette Co-op, Starbuck
Crop: Corn
Treatment: Details to come soon
Seeding Date: N/A
Previous Crop: Not yet available
Seeding Rate: Not yet available
Equipment: Not yet available
Row Spacing: Not yet available
Notes: Details to come soon
Yield: To be determined at harvest

DEKALB Soybean Performance

Trial Owner: Joelle Zacharias,, 204.792.6962
Agro Centre: Marquette Co-op, Marquette
Crop: Soybean
Treatment: Varieties are: S007-Y4 (check); DKB0005-44; DKB22-60; DKB0009-89; DKB23-60; DKB003-29; DKB24-10; DKB005-52
Seeding Date: N/A
Previous Crop: Wheat
Seeding Rate: 1.4 u/ac
Equipment: Not yet available
Row Spacing: Not yet available
Notes: Details to come soon
Yield: To be determined at harvest

Enhanced Efficiency Fertilizers (EEF)

Trial Owner: Peter Van Kasteren,, 403-757-2054
Agro Centre: South Country Co-op, Barons
Crop: Fall Rye
Treatment: straight urea on one side of the pivot and the other half was done with a 41% ESN and urea blend.
Seeding Date: N/A
Previous Crop: Not yet available
Seeding Rate: Not yet available
Equipment: Not yet available
Row Spacing: Not yet available
Notes: N/A
Yield: N/A

Enhanced Efficiency Fertilizers (EEF)

Trial Owner: Trish Meyers,, 306-649-5126
Agro Centre: Xtreme Innovation Trial, Saskatoon
Crop: Wheat
Treatment: Evaluating ESN, and Optinyte nitrogen stabilizer. Using Brandon wheat treated with CVQ.
Seeding Date: N/A
Previous Crop: Wheat
Seeding Rate: 2.25 bu/ac
Equipment: SeedHawk drill
Row Spacing: 12""
Notes: Site to be sprayed pre-seed with Vector and Blackhawk.
Yield: To be determined at harvest

Enhanced Efficiency Fertilizers (EEF)

Trial Owner: Matt Reimer,, (204) 836-2109
Agro Centre: Pembina Co-op, Swan lake
Crop: Canola
Treatment: Actual lbs of N - 100lbs NH3 fall; 100lbs NH3 N serve; 90lbs NH3 N Serve; 90 and 100lbs Super U Fall broadcast. Will be L233P.
Seeding Date: N/A
Previous Crop: Wheat
Seeding Rate: Not yet available
Equipment: Not yet available
Row Spacing: Not yet available
Notes: All fall applied. Applied Priaxor with Liberty and sprayed Proline. Sprayed Roundup and heat and Straight cut.
Yield: 100lbs N NH3: 44.3bu/ac avg; 100lbs N NH3 w/ N serve: 47 bu/ac avg; 90lbs N NH3 W/ N serve: 46 bu/ac avg; 100lbs N Super U: 50.8 bu/ac avg; 90lbs N Super U: 49.6 bu/ac avg


Trial Owner: Trish Meyers,, 306-649-5126
Agro Centre: Xtreme Innovation Trial, Saskatoon
Crop: Wheat
Treatment: Investigation into a novel, enhanced efficiency, bio-based plant nutrition product.
Seeding Date: N/A
Previous Crop: Wheat
Seeding Rate: 2.25 bu/ac
Equipment: SeedHawk drill
Row Spacing: 12""
Notes: Using Brandon wheat treated with CVQ.
Yield: To be determined at harvest


Trial Owner: Rahul Patel,, 306-618-9194
Agro Centre: Pioneer Co-op, Shaunavon
Crop: Wheat
Treatment: Efficacy of Infinity Cereals and Infinity Canola/Pulses foliar liquid fertilizer products on Durum Wheat and Canola/Pulses
Seeding Date: N/A
Previous Crop: Various
Seeding Rate: 114 lbs/ac
Equipment: Various
Row Spacing: 12 inch
Notes: Infinity cerals apply at GS-28 and GS-37 in wheat vs. no liquid fertilizer application
Yield: T1-35 bu/acre versus T2-30 bu/acre


Trial Owner: Brie Schemenauer,, (306) 231-3400
Agro Centre: Lake Lenore Co-op, Lake Lenore
Crop: TBD
Treatment: BASF Fungicide vs. Competitor
Seeding Date: N/A
Previous Crop: Not yet available
Seeding Rate: Not yet available
Equipment: Not yet available
Row Spacing: Not yet available
Notes: Details to come soon
Yield: To be determined at harvest


Trial Owner: Daniel Aarsen,, (780) 674-2820
Agro Centre: Neerlandia Co-op, Neerlandia
Crop: Canola
Treatment: Blackleg and sclerotinia trial
Seeding Date: N/A
Previous Crop: Not yet available
Seeding Rate: Not yet available
Equipment: Not yet available
Row Spacing: Not yet available
Notes: Details to come soon
Yield: To be determined at harvest


Trial Owner: Trish Meyers,, 306-649-5126
Agro Centre: Xtreme Innovation Trial, Saskatoon
Crop: Wheat
Treatment: Fusarium Head Blight fungicide trial investigating the efficacy of Prosaro XTR.
Seeding Date: N/A
Previous Crop: Wheat
Seeding Rate: 1.5-3 bu/ac
Equipment: SeedHawk drill
Row Spacing: 12""
Notes: Will be tested on Elita and Brandon wheat. Site will be sprayed pre-seed with Vector and Olympus.
Yield: To be determined at harvest


Trial Owner: Rahul Patel,, 306-618-9194
Agro Centre: Pioneer Co-op, Shaunavon
Crop: Wheat
Treatment: Efficacy of Humic Acid on growth of Durum Wheat under semi-arid region of Shaunavon
Seeding Date: N/A
Previous Crop: Lentils
Seeding Rate: 105 lbs/ac
Equipment: Bourgalt 3320
Row Spacing: 12 inch
Notes: Trial 1- Humic Acid applied at GS-28 vs. Trial 2- No Humic Acid applied. Insure Cereal treats 117 bushels/jug commercially applied by retail. 20 gms of Cruiser was used for wireworm control. Protein % in T1- 13.87 versus T2-15.98. Bushel weight in T1- 62.00 lb/bu versus T2- 61.10 lb/bu. Humic acid was applied in Saline soil areas to improve protein & grain production versus good areas of field.
Yield: T1-23 bu/acre vs No Humic Acid -T2-28 bu/acre


Trial Owner: Matt Reimer,, (204) 836-2109
Agro Centre: Pembina Co-op, Swan lake
Crop: Canola
Treatment: Lance fungicide and canola variety trial.
Seeding Date: N/A
Previous Crop: Not yet available
Seeding Rate: Not yet available
Equipment: Not yet available
Row Spacing: Not yet available
Notes: All Data averaged with multiple replications
Yield: DKB 74-44/ Lance 56.38 bu/ac; BY41-87/ Lance 56.88 bu/ac; BY 41-87 untreated 50.412 bu/ac; BY6074 untreated 54.8 bu/ac; BY6074/ Lance 59.4 bu/ac; BY6090/ Lance 47.604 bu/ac; BY6090 untreated 46.37 bu/ac

In-Crop products

Trial Owner: Trish Meyers,, 306-649-5126
Agro Centre: Xtreme Innovation Trial, Saskatoon
Crop: Canola
Treatment: Demonstration of herbicide symptomology in canola (groups 2,4,6,9,10,13,14, and 27) and oats (groups 1,9,10,14).
Seeding Date: N/A
Previous Crop: Wheat
Seeding Rate: 5 lbs/ac
Equipment: SeedHawk drill
Row Spacing: 12""
Notes: Details to come soon
Yield: To be determined at harvest

In-Crop products

Trial Owner: Matt Reimer,, (204) 836-2109
Agro Centre: Pembina Co-op, Swan lake
Crop: TBD
Treatment: Viper; Flexstar; glyphosate (check)
Seeding Date: N/A
Previous Crop: Not yet available
Seeding Rate: Not yet available
Equipment: Not yet available
Row Spacing: Not yet available
Notes: Details to come soon
Yield: To be determined at harvest


Trial Owner: Dave Creek,, (403) 757-2054
Agro Centre: South Country Co-op, Barons
Crop: Peas
Treatment: Nodulator Liquid, Tagteam LCO Granular 7.6 lbs/ac, Nodualator Duo Granular 7.6 lbs/ac, Agtiv Dual Granular 8 Lbs/ac, Nodulator XL granular 3.3 Lbs/ac
Seeding Date: N/A
Previous Crop: Wheat
Seeding Rate: 3 bu/ac
Equipment: Pillar Disc Hoe Drill
Row Spacing: 10 inch
Notes: Details to come soon
Yield: Nodulator Liquid (Rep 1: 34.68, Rep 2: 26.54), Tagteam LCO Granular (Rep 1: 29.8, Rep 2: 26.07), Nodualator Duo Granular (Rep 1: 28.17, Rep 2: 26.3), Agtiv Dual Granular (Rep 1: 27.23, Rep 2: 27), Nodulator XL granular (Rep 1: 26.77, Rep 2: 26.3)


Trial Owner: Dave Creek,, (403) 757-2054
Agro Centre: South Country Co-op, Barons
Crop: Peas
Treatment: Tagteam LCO Granular 6.6 lbs/ac, Nodulator Duo Granular 6.6 lbs/ac, Agtiv Dual Granular 8 lbs/ac, Nodulator xl Granular 3.3 lbs/ace
Seeding Date: N/A
Previous Crop: Wheat
Seeding Rate: 3 bu/ac
Equipment: Bourgalt 3320
Row Spacing: 9.8 inch
Notes: Details to come soon
Yield: To be determined at harvest


Trial Owner: Nathan Rafuse,, 306-445-7732
Agro Centre: Discovery Co-op, North Battleford
Crop: Peas
Treatment: Consists of Tagteam LCO and Nodulator Duo side by side.
Seeding Date: N/A
Previous Crop: Not yet available
Seeding Rate: Not yet available
Equipment: Not yet available
Row Spacing: Not yet available
Notes: Details to come soon
Yield: To be determined at harvest


Trial Owner: Adam Sheppard,, 306-796-7017
Agro Centre: Palliser Plains Co-op, Tugaske
Crop: Peas
Treatment: Inoculant Comparison: Nodulator vs. LCO
Seeding Date: N/A
Previous Crop: Not yet available
Seeding Rate: Not yet available
Equipment: Not yet available
Row Spacing: Not yet available
Notes: Harvested August 15
Yield: To be determined at harvest


Trial Owner: Amy Bell ,, 204.773.6399
Agro Centre: Twin Valley Co-op, Birtle
Crop: Wheat
Treatment: Prosper wheat treated with manipulator vs. untreated
Seeding Date: N/A
Previous Crop: Not available
Seeding Rate: Not available
Equipment: Not available
Row Spacing: Not available
Notes: Details to come soon
Yield: Manipulator and Twinline=90.47 bu, Protein=13.5; Untreated check=85.7bu, Protein 13.1


Trial Owner: Trish Meyers,, 306-649-5126
Agro Centre: Xtreme Innovation Trial, Saskatoon
Crop: Wheat
Treatment: Investigation of Manipulator plant growth regulator.
Seeding Date: N/A
Previous Crop: Wheat
Seeding Rate: 2 - 2.7 bu/ac
Equipment: SeedHawk drill
Row Spacing: 12""
Notes: Urea: 46-0-0.
Yield: To be determined at harvest


Trial Owner: Rahul Patel,, 306-618-9194
Agro Centre: Pioneer Co-op, Shaunavon
Crop: Wheat
Treatment: Efficacy of Manipulator Growth Regulator on growth of Durum Wheat under semi-arid region of Shaunavon
Seeding Date: N/A
Previous Crop: Lentils
Seeding Rate: 105 lbs/ac
Equipment: Bourgalt 3320
Row Spacing: 12 inch
Notes: Trial 1- Manipulator applied at GS-32 vs. Trial 2- No Manipulator applied
Yield: T1- Manipulator site -64 bu/acre versus T2-No manipulator site- 51 bu/acre


Trial Owner: Adam Sheppard,, 306-796-7017
Agro Centre: Palliser Plains Co-op, Tugaske
Crop: Canola
Treatment: Boron ATP
Seeding Date: N/A
Previous Crop: Field Peas
Seeding Rate: 5 lbs/ac
Equipment: Flexicoil Drill
Row Spacing: 10 inch
Notes: Details to come soon
Yield: To be determined at harvest


Trial Owner: Adam Sheppard,, 306-796-7017
Agro Centre: Palliser Plains Co-op, Tugaske
Crop: Canola
Treatment: Boron ATP
Seeding Date: N/A
Previous Crop: Not yet available
Seeding Rate: Not yet available
Equipment: Not yet available
Row Spacing: Not yet available
Notes: Details to come soon
Yield: To be determined at harvest


Trial Owner: Adam Sheppard,, 306-796-7017
Agro Centre: Palliser Plains Co-op, Tugaske
Crop: Durum
Treatment: Boron ATP
Seeding Date: N/A
Previous Crop: Canola
Seeding Rate: 120 lbs/ac
Equipment: Bourgault Paralink
Row Spacing: 12 inch
Notes: Details to come soon
Yield: To be determined at harvest


Trial Owner: Trish Meyers,, 306-649-5126
Agro Centre: Xtreme Innovation Trial, Saskatoon
Crop: Wheat
Treatment: Testing beneficial mycorrhizal fungi species to help improve nutrient efficiency, drought tolerance and yield potential.
Seeding Date: N/A
Previous Crop: Wheat
Seeding Rate: 2.25 bu/ac
Equipment: SeedHawk drill
Row Spacing: 12""
Notes: Crop: Jatharia wheat. Pre-seed application of Olympus and Vector.
Yield: To be determined at harvest

Pre-emergent products

Trial Owner: Matt Reimer,, (204) 836-2109
Agro Centre: Pembina Co-op, Swan lake
Crop: TBD
Treatment: Valtera; Fierce; Authority Supreme; Blackhawk; Heat; Glyphosate (check)
Seeding Date: N/A
Previous Crop: Not yet available
Seeding Rate: Not yet available
Equipment: Not yet available
Row Spacing: Not yet available
Notes: Details to come soon
Yield: To be determined at harvest

Q-Protect Sclerotinia

Trial Owner: Braden Koroscil,, (306) 723-1200
Agro Centre: Prairie Co-op, Cupar
Crop: Canola
Treatment: Investigating sclerotinia DNA test for spray timing decisions. Canola showed 15% infection.
Seeding Date: N/A
Previous Crop: Not yet available
Seeding Rate: Not yet available
Equipment: Not yet available
Row Spacing: Not yet available
Notes: Testing canola flower petals.
Yield: To be determined at harvest

Q-Protect Sclerotinia

Trial Owner: Jamie Macaskill,, 306-341-0411
Agro Centre: Palliser Plains Co-op, Elbow
Crop: Canola
Treatment: Investigating sclerotinia DNA test for spray timing decisions. Q protect test done July 10th, 2018. 7.5% infection found. No fungicide was applied. A sclerotinia assessment was completed August 18th, 2018 and ~7% of plants were found to show symptoms.
Seeding Date: N/A
Previous Crop: Durum
Seeding Rate: 5 lbs/ac
Equipment: Flexicoil Drill
Row Spacing: Not yet available
Notes: Testing canola flower petals. Low Risk. No Fungicide Applied
Yield: To be determined at harvest

Q-Protect Sclerotinia

Trial Owner: Nicholas Pouteau,, 204-245-0623
Agro Centre: Marquette Co-op, Marquette
Crop: Canola
Treatment: Investigating sclerotinia DNA test for spray timing decisions. Q protect test done July 4th, 2018. 5% infection found. No fungicide was applied. A sclerotinia assesment was completed August 9th, 2018 and ~5% of plants were found to show symptoms.
Seeding Date: N/A
Previous Crop: Not yet available
Seeding Rate: Not yet available
Equipment: Not yet available
Row Spacing: Not yet available
Notes: Testing canola flower petals. Low Risk. No Fungicide Applied
Yield: To be determined at harvest

Q-Protect Sclerotinia

Trial Owner: Martie Blatz,, 403-305-6189
Agro Centre: South Country Co-op, Medicine Hat
Crop: Canola
Treatment: Investigating sclerotinia DNA test for spray timing decisions. Crop tested on June 28th and 10% infection was found.
Seeding Date: N/A
Previous Crop: Not yet available
Seeding Rate: Not yet available
Equipment: Not yet available
Row Spacing: Not yet available
Notes: Testing canola flower petals. Low risk. No fungicide applied
Yield: 50 lbs/ac

Q-Protect Sclerotinia

Trial Owner: Darby Chappell,, 306-361-6601
Agro Centre: Central Plains Co-op, Rosetown
Crop: Canola
Treatment: Investigating sclerotinia DNA test for spray timing decisions. Q Protect test done July 12th. 57.5% infection was found. No fungicide was applied. A sclerotinia assessment was completed August 22 and 6% of plants were found to show symptoms
Seeding Date: N/A
Previous Crop: Lentils
Seeding Rate: 4 lbs/ac
Equipment: Seedmaster Drill with Bourgault Metering
Row Spacing: 12""
Notes: Testing canola flower petals.
Yield: To be determined at harvest

Q-Protect Sclerotinia

Trial Owner: Cameron Choquette,, 306-327-8460
Agro Centre: Saskatoon Co-op, Saskatoon
Crop: Canola
Treatment: Investigating sclerotinia DNA test for spray timing decisions. Canola tested on July 6th and 15.4% infection was found.
Seeding Date: N/A
Previous Crop: Not yet available
Seeding Rate: Not yet available
Equipment: Not yet available
Row Spacing: Not yet available
Notes: Testing canola flower petals. Low Risk. No Fungicide Applied
Yield: To be determined at harvest

Q-Protect Sclerotinia

Trial Owner: Kiana Sajtos,, 204-899-1212
Agro Centre: Xtreme Innovation Trial, Saskatoon
Crop: LL Canola
Treatment: Investigating sclerotinia DNA test for spray timing decisions. Canola tested July 6th and 30% infection was found. Tested again on July 10th and 23.1% infection was found. Sclerotinia assessment on August 30th showed ~34% of plants with symptoms
Seeding Date: N/A
Previous Crop: Wheat
Seeding Rate: 3-10lbs/ac
Equipment: SeedHawk drill
Row Spacing: 12""
Notes: Testing canola flower petals. Moderated Risk. Fungicide Applied
Yield: To be determined at harvest

Q-Protect Sclerotinia

Trial Owner: Kiana Sajtos,, 204-899-1212
Agro Centre: Xtreme Innovation Trial, Saskatoon
Crop: RR Canola
Treatment: Investigating sclerotinia DNA test for spray timing decisions. Canola tested July 10th and 27.5% infection was found. Sclerotinia assessment on August 30th showed ~31% of plants with symptoms
Seeding Date: N/A
Previous Crop: Wheat
Seeding Rate: 3-10lbs/ac
Equipment: SeedHawk drill
Row Spacing: 12""
Notes: Testing canola flower petals. Moderated Risk. Fungicide Applied
Yield: To be determined at harvest

Q-Protect Sclerotinia

Trial Owner: Heidi Tymko,, 306-850-1237
Agro Centre: Wild Rose Co-op, Sedgewick
Crop: Canola
Treatment: Investigating sclerotinia DNA test for spray timing decisions. Canola tested July 19th and 32.5% infection was found.
Seeding Date: N/A
Previous Crop: Not yet available
Seeding Rate: Not yet available
Equipment: Not yet available
Row Spacing: Not yet available
Notes: Testing canola flower petals. No fungicide applied.
Yield: To be determined at harvest

Q-Protect Sclerotinia

Trial Owner: Danielle Chamberland,, 780-614-5455
Agro Centre: Wetaskiwin Co-op, Wetaskiwin
Crop: Canola
Treatment: Investigating sclerotinia DNA test for spray timing decisions.
Seeding Date: N/A
Previous Crop: Not yet available
Seeding Rate: Not yet available
Equipment: Not yet available
Row Spacing: Not yet available
Notes: Testing canola flower petals.
Yield: To be determined at harvest


Trial Owner: Brie Schemenauer,, (306) 231-3400
Agro Centre: Lake Lenore Co-op, Lake Lenore
Crop: Canola
Treatment: QuickRoots & Jumpstart treated canola Vs. Jumpstart treated canola
Seeding Date: N/A
Previous Crop: Not yet available
Seeding Rate: Not yet available
Equipment: Not yet available
Row Spacing: Not yet available
Notes: Details to come soon
Yield: To be determined at harvest


Trial Owner: Rahul Patel,, 306-618-9194
Agro Centre: Pioneer Co-op, Shaunavon
Crop: Durum Wheat
Treatment: Compatibility of Quickroots with Alpine G22 on Durum Wheat. T1-Alpine +QuickRoot, T2-Quickroot+No Alpine, T3-Alpine+No Quickroots
Seeding Date: N/A
Previous Crop: RR Canola
Seeding Rate: 114 lbs/ac
Equipment: Flexi Coil
Row Spacing: 12 inch
Notes: NipSit Suite of Cereals seed treatment was used for Durum Wheat. UAN liquid was knife in at 4 inch depth before seeding to provide actual 55 lbs N/acre along with Alpine G22 + Ammonium Thio Sulphate in seed row.
Yield: T1- 40.18 bu/acre, T2-39.17 bu/acre, T3-35.46 bu/acre.


Trial Owner: Rahul Patel,, 306-618-9194
Agro Centre: Pioneer Co-op, Shaunavon
Crop: Durum Wheat
Treatment: Compatibility of Quickroots with Alpine G22 on Durum Wheat. T1-Check, T2- 40 lbs 11-52-0, T3- 4 gallon Alpine G22, T4- Alpine G22+ 0.5 L Cu, T5- 3 gall G22 + 2 L Alpine G22 foliar, T6- 4 gallon Alpine G22+ Quickroots.
Seeding Date: N/A
Previous Crop: RR Canola
Seeding Rate: 105 lbs/ac
Equipment: Bourgalt 3320
Row Spacing: 12 inch
Notes: Alpine Rep sent me all the details on trial results. Trial was harvested in positive notes. 146 lb of 29-10-7-3 fertilizer blend was applied in seed row+ Mid row band total together. Stellar+ Simplicity GoDRI apply in crop to control weeds.
Yield: T1- 36.87 bu/acre, T2-39.3 bu/acre, T3-39.7 bu/acre, T4-40.0 bu/acre, T5-40.3 bu/acre, T6- 41.8 bu/acre.

Seed Treatment

Trial Owner: Brie Schemenauer,, (306) 231-3400
Agro Centre: Lake Lenore Co-op, Lake Lenore
Crop: TBD
Treatment: Cruiser Vibrance Quattro Vs. Vibrance Quattro
Seeding Date: N/A
Previous Crop: Not yet available
Seeding Rate: Not yet available
Equipment: Not yet available
Row Spacing: Not yet available
Notes: Details to come soon
Yield: To be determined at harvest

Seed Treatment

Trial Owner: Rahul Patel,, 306-618-9194
Agro Centre: Pioneer Co-op, Shaunavon
Crop: Durum Wheat
Treatment: Efficacy of Insure Cereals and Caramba against FHB of cereals and Caramba against FHB
Seeding Date: N/A
Previous Crop: N/A
Seeding Rate: N/A
Equipment: N/A
Row Spacing: N/A
Notes: Details to come soon
Yield: To be determined at harvest

Seeding Rate

Trial Owner: Trish Meyers,, 306-649-5126
Agro Centre: Xtreme Innovation Trial, Saskatoon
Crop: Canola
Treatment: Testing seeding rates of 3lbs, 6 plants, and 12 plants.
Seeding Date: N/A
Previous Crop: Wheat
Seeding Rate: 3-10lbs/ac
Equipment: SeedHawk drill
Row Spacing: 12""
Notes: Replicated trial.
Yield: To be determined at harvest

Soybean performance

Trial Owner: Amy Bell ,, 204.773.6399
Agro Centre: Twin Valley Co-op, Birtle
Crop: Soybean
Treatment: DKB 0005-44; DKB 0009-89; 22-60s; DKB 003-29; P002A19X; Leroy; Watson; Gladstone; Newtons; M2s; D6s; Y4s; S0007-B7X; Akras; Nacoma
Seeding Date: N/A
Previous Crop: Not yet available
Seeding Rate: Not yet available
Equipment: Not yet available
Row Spacing: Not yet available
Notes: NK S007-Y4yeilded the highest and looked great all year in the plot.
Yield: 22-60RY 44.5 lbs/ac; DKB0005-44 45.3 lbs/ac; DKB0009-89 41.9 lbs/ac; DKB003-29 44.4 lbs/ac; P002A19X 41.4 lbs/ac; S0009-D6 45.7 lbs/ac; S007-B7X 44.7 lbs/ac; S007-Y4 48 lbs/ac; S0009-M2 44.4 lbs/ac; Watson 47.9 lbs/ac; Leroy 44.2 lbs/ac; Newton 43.4 lbs/ac; Gladstone 44.3 lbs/ac; Nocoma 44.5 lbs/ac; Notus * 32.5 lbs/ac disqualified due to error.

Soybean performance

Trial Owner: Beckie Gyorfi,, (306) 723-1200
Agro Centre: Prairie Co-op, Cupar
Crop: Soybean
Treatment: 003-29 w/ Alpine, 003-29 no Alpine, 0009-89 w/ Alpine, 0009-89 no Alpine, 0005-44 w/ Alpine, 0005-44 no Alpine, 0005-44/ M2
Seeding Date: N/A
Previous Crop: Not yet available
Seeding Rate: 120,000
Equipment: 68' bourgeault 3320 w/ midrow banding, 7550 tank, sectional control
Row Spacing: 12""
Notes: Details to come soon
Yield: To be determined at harvest

Soybean performance

Trial Owner: Beckie Gyorfi,, (306) 723-1200
Agro Centre: Prairie Co-op, Cupar
Crop: Soybean
Treatment: Akras, Notus, Nocoma, 22-60, 23-11, 003-29, 0005-44, 0009-89
Seeding Date: N/A
Previous Crop: Not yet available
Seeding Rate: 210,000
Equipment: Not yet available
Row Spacing: Not yet available
Notes: Details to come soon
Yield: To be determined at harvest

Soybean performance

Trial Owner: Beckie Gyorfi,, (306) 723-1200
Agro Centre: Prairie Co-op, Cupar
Crop: Soybean
Treatment: Soybean variety evaluation
Seeding Date: N/A
Previous Crop: Peas
Seeding Rate: 210,000
Equipment: Borgault
Row Spacing: 10""
Notes: Details to come soon
Yield: To be determined at harvest

Soybean performance

Trial Owner: Beckie Gyorfi,, (306) 723-1200
Agro Centre: Prairie Co-op, Cupar
Crop: Wheat
Treatment: Wheat seeding rates
Seeding Date: N/A
Previous Crop: Canola
Seeding Rate: 1.5lbs, 2lbs, 2.5lbs, 3lbs
Equipment: Seedmaster, Ultra Pro V360
Row Spacing: 10""
Notes: Details to come soon
Yield: To be determined at harvest

Soybean performance

Trial Owner: Nathan Rafuse,, 306-445-7732
Agro Centre: Discovery Co-op, North Battleford
Crop: Soybean
Treatment: BrettYoung Notus, Dekalb 22-60RY; Syngenta M2, D6 and L3
Seeding Date: N/A
Previous Crop: Canola
Seeding Rate: 80lbs
Equipment: SeedMaster
Row Spacing: 12
Notes: Preburn: Valtera, Blackhawk, and Glyphosate
Yield: Syngenta S0009-M2 33.57 bu/ac; Syngenta S0009-D6 31.26 bu/ac; Syngenta S003-L3 32.54 bu/ac; Dekalb 22-60RY 29.29 bu/ac; Brett Young NOTUS R2 32.82 bu/ac.

Soybean performance

Trial Owner: Trish Meyers,, 306-649-5126
Agro Centre: Xtreme Innovation Trial, Saskatoon
Crop: Soybean
Treatment: Comparison of 22-60RY, S009-M2, and Notus R2.
Seeding Date: N/A
Previous Crop: Wheat
Seeding Rate: 230,000 seeds/ac
Equipment: SeedHawk drill
Row Spacing: 12""
Notes: Site sprayed pre-seed with Valtera.
Yield: To be determined at harvest

Soybean performance

Trial Owner: Rahul Patel,, 306-618-9194
Agro Centre: Pioneer Co-op, Shaunavon
Crop: Soybean
Treatment: Soybean variety evaluation under semi arid region of South West Saskatchewan. (Syngenta vs. DEKALB)
Seeding Date: N/A
Previous Crop: N/A
Seeding Rate: N/A
Equipment: N/A
Row Spacing: 12
Notes: Details to come soon
Yield: To be determined at harvest

Soybean performance

Trial Owner: Curtis Tielmann,, 204-735-2382
Agro Centre: Marquette Co-op, Starbuck
Crop: Soybean
Treatment: DEKALB peformance trial
Seeding Date: N/A
Previous Crop: Not yet available
Seeding Rate: Not yet available
Equipment: Not yet available
Row Spacing: Not yet available
Notes: Details to come soon
Yield: To be determined at harvest

VRS/Nodulator Duo

Trial Owner: Carrie Butterwick,, (403) 867-3200
Agro Centre: South Country Co-op, Foremost
Crop: Lentils
Treatment: Details to come soon
Seeding Date: N/A
Previous Crop: Not yet available
Seeding Rate: Not yet available
Equipment: Not yet available
Row Spacing: Not yet available
Notes: Details to come soon
Yield: To be determined at harvest

VRS/Nodulator Duo

Trial Owner: Brandon Angle ,, N/A
Agro Centre: South Country Co-op, Medicine Hat
Crop: Lentils
Treatment: Variable rate seeding of lentils compared to constant rate
Seeding Date: N/A
Previous Crop: Not yet available
Seeding Rate: Not yet available
Equipment: Not yet available
Row Spacing: Not yet available
Notes: Visibly less disease
Yield: 23.6 bu/ac VRS and 21.0 bu/ac non VRS

Variable rate fertilizer

Trial Owner: Brandon Angle ,, N/A
Agro Centre: South Country Co-op, Medicine Hat
Crop: Chicpeas
Treatment: Variable rate fertilizer compared to a constant rate
Seeding Date: N/A
Previous Crop: Not yet available
Seeding Rate: Not yet available
Equipment: Not yet available
Row Spacing: Not yet available
Notes: All 5 measured zones were improved over constant rate and had positive ROI
Yield: 26.0 bu/ac VRF and 23.8 bu/ac non VRF

Variable rate fertilizer

Trial Owner: Brandon Angle ,, N/A
Agro Centre: South Country Co-op, Medicine Hat
Crop: Malt Barley
Treatment: Variable rate fertilizer compared to a constant rate
Seeding Date: N/A
Previous Crop: Not yet available
Seeding Rate: Not yet available
Equipment: Not yet available
Row Spacing: Not yet available
Notes: 4 out of 6 measured zones were improved over constant rate and had positive ROI
Yield: 58.0 bu/ac VRF and 53.7bu/ac non VRF

Variable rate fungicide

Trial Owner: Daniel Aarsen,, (780) 674-2820
Agro Centre: Neerlandia Co-op, Neerlandia
Crop: Canola
Treatment: Fungicide application by zone prescription map
Seeding Date: N/A
Previous Crop: Barley
Seeding Rate: 4 lbs/ac
Equipment: John Deere Airdrill
Row Spacing: 10 inch
Notes: VR fungicide built on CFV using satelite imagery, drone imagery, and grower experience. Applied at 30-40% bloom stage. 10 gallon/ac water volume
Yield: To be determined at harvest

Variable rate fungicide

Trial Owner: Daniel Aarsen,, (780) 674-2820
Agro Centre: Neerlandia Co-op, Neerlandia
Crop: Canola
Treatment: Fungicide application by zone prescription map
Seeding Date: N/A
Previous Crop: CPA Wheat
Seeding Rate: 4.5lbs/ac
Equipment: John Deere Airdrill
Row Spacing: 10 inch
Notes: VR fungicide built on CFV using satelite imagery, drone imagery, and grower experience. Applied at 30-40% bloom stage. 10 gallon/ac water volume
Yield: To be determined at harvest

Variable rate fungicide

Trial Owner: Daniel Aarsen,, (780) 674-2820
Agro Centre: Neerlandia Co-op, Neerlandia
Crop: Canola
Treatment: Fungicide application by zone prescription map
Seeding Date: N/A
Previous Crop: CPS Wheat
Seeding Rate: 4.5 lbs/ac
Equipment: John Deere Airdrill
Row Spacing: 10 inch
Notes: VR fungicide built on CFV using satelite imagery, drone imagery, and grower experience. Applied at 30-40% bloom stage. 10 gallon/ac water volume
Yield: To be determined at harvest

Variable rate fungicide

Trial Owner: Daniel Aarsen,, (780) 674-2820
Agro Centre: Neerlandia Co-op, Neerlandia
Crop: Canola
Treatment: Fungicide application by zone prescription map
Seeding Date: N/A
Previous Crop: HRS Wheat
Seeding Rate: 3.5lbs/ac
Equipment: Seed Hawk
Row Spacing: 12 inch
Notes: VR fungicide built on CFV using satelite imagery, drone imagery, and grower experience. Applied at 30-40% bloom stage. 10 gallon/ac water volume
Yield: To be determined at harvest

Variable rate fungicide

Trial Owner: Daniel Aarsen,, (780) 674-2820
Agro Centre: Neerlandia Co-op, Neerlandia
Crop: Canola
Treatment: Fungicide application by zone prescription map
Seeding Date: N/A
Previous Crop: Not yet available
Seeding Rate: Not yet available
Equipment: Not yet available
Row Spacing: Not yet available
Notes: Details to come soon
Yield: To be determined at harvest

Variable rate fungicide

Trial Owner: Mike Hilhorst,, 780.608.6299
Agro Centre: Wetaskiwin Co-op, Wetaskiwin
Crop: Canola
Treatment: Investigating sclerotinia DNA test for spray timing decisions.
Seeding Date: N/A
Previous Crop: Not yet available
Seeding Rate: Not yet available
Equipment: Not yet available
Row Spacing: Not yet available
Notes: Testing canola flower petals.
Yield: To be determined at harvest

Variable rate fungicide

Trial Owner: Mike Hilhorst,, 780.608.6300
Agro Centre: Wetaskiwin Co-op, Wetaskiwin
Crop: Canola
Treatment: Investigating sclerotinia DNA test for spray timing decisions.
Seeding Date: N/A
Previous Crop: Not yet available
Seeding Rate: Not yet available
Equipment: Not yet available
Row Spacing: Not yet available
Notes: Details to come soon
Yield: To be determined at harvest

Variable rate fungicide

Trial Owner: Mike Hilhorst,, 780.608.6301
Agro Centre: Wetaskiwin Co-op, Wetaskiwin
Crop: Canola
Treatment: Investigating sclerotinia DNA test for spray timing decisions.
Seeding Date: N/A
Previous Crop: Not yet available
Seeding Rate: Not yet available
Equipment: Not yet available
Row Spacing: Not yet available
Notes: Details to come soon
Yield: To be determined at harvest

Variable rate fungicide

Trial Owner: Mike Hilhorst,, 780.608.6302
Agro Centre: Wetaskiwin Co-op, Wetaskiwin
Crop: Canola
Treatment: Investigating sclerotinia DNA test for spray timing decisions.
Seeding Date: N/A
Previous Crop: Not yet available
Seeding Rate: Not yet available
Equipment: Not yet available
Row Spacing: Not yet available
Notes: Details to come soon
Yield: To be determined at harvest

Variable rate seeding

Trial Owner: Trevor Lightbown,, 403-863-0873
Agro Centre: South Country Co-op, Claresholm
Crop: TBD
Treatment: Details to come soon
Seeding Date: N/A
Previous Crop: Not yet available
Seeding Rate: Not yet available
Equipment: Not yet available
Row Spacing: Not yet available
Notes: Details to come soon
Yield: To be determined at harvest

Variable rate seeding

Trial Owner: Carrie Butterwick,, (403) 867-3200
Agro Centre: South Country Co-op, Foremost
Crop: TBD
Treatment: Details to come soon
Seeding Date: N/A
Previous Crop: Not yet available
Seeding Rate: Not yet available
Equipment: Not yet available
Row Spacing: Not yet available
Notes: Details to come soon
Yield: To be determined at harvest